Saudia Baksh

Photographer. Creator. Visionary.

Toronto-based female fashion photographer and content creator of the Toronto-centric fashion and food blog That Saudia Chick. 

Cool Leather

cool leather

The perfect fabric for a fashion photo shoot 

Even though its not officially winter here in Toronto, it definitely feels like it! how did it get so cold so fast?!!?

black leather top
leather details

Cooler weather to me means leather.  I love leather. leather pants. leather tops. and while some of these items are a little more difficult to style, a leather skirt is the absolute easiest to wear.  It is an absolute staple for every girl's closet. Perfect for dinner or those nights out with the girls. and lets be honest, nothing is sexier for a date than leather! Personally, I prefer to go with a leather pencil skirt.

I love the way leather photographs. It has a great sheen and picks up the light so well.  leather is one of those perfect fabrics that even when a photo is processed in black and white or sepia, it still shows as leather. 

sleek leather

Leather is also one of those few fabrics that just seem to give everyone an added dose of confidence. When you put on a leather outfit, you have no choice but to stand up straight and command attention!

Cool leather